What Should You Do if You Don’t Want a White Wedding Dress?

March 1, 2021

Your wedding should be a day entirely about you, your true love, and everyone that you love surrounding you. You’ve picked the colors, the decor, and set your guest list, but one thing you keep thinking is that you’re going to have to wear a white gown when you don’t want that look. 

Who says you need a white gown? Sure, there are myths about the reasons to wear white, but these myths are far removed from reality. There are countless other options for you as a bride to consider when shopping for your big day. 

Considering a colorful dress, or even, dare we say, a black dress? Keep reading to find out about the myths surrounding wedding dresses and some of our recommendations for you to bring some color into your big day. 

Myths About White Gowns

“White wedding dresses are traditional”

“White means purity”

“But you won’t look like a bride”

All of these criticisms are things you’ve likely heard if you ever voiced your desire to wear something other than white on your wedding day. You may be shocked to learn, though, that these “facts” are nothing more than fiction. 

They’re Traditional! 

Prior to 1840, brides wore their best gown, no matter what color it was in. In fact, the darker the gown, the more preferred. Dark gowns wouldn’t be ruined with small stains as the party went long into the night. 

Weddings were an opportunity for the bride to wear furs, velvet or silk, showing off their absolute best garments in the richest, most luxurious ways. 

What happened in 1840 to make this change? Well, Queen Victoria was married in white. She had a white lace that she loved and wanted it to become part of her wedding gown. Because her wedding day was just around the same time that photography became more accessible, people around the world saw the queen wearing her beautiful white gown. 

Because she was a queen, the wedding industry took her lead and set white wedding dresses to be the ideal for any bride-to-be. 

White Means Purity! 

Actually, the color white never meant purity. This is a myth that started after the idea of the white wedding dress was popularized by Queen Victoria. 

Remember the rhyme, “Something borrowed, something blue?” Well, it’s very likely that this rhyme most brides keep close to heart is referring to the original color of purity. Pre-Victorian times actually associated the color blue with purity, and the rhyme is likely alluding to this color meaning purity. 

Even if we assume that now white stands for purity, nothing says you can’t opt for a non-white dress (if simply in protest of the notion that a bride must be pure and innocent). 

You Won’t Look Like A Bride! 

The concept of the white gown is a mostly Eurocentric look. People around the world wear gowns completely different from the Western-style wedding dress and still look plenty “like a bride.” 

One thing we could recommend to brides worried they’ll blend in with their guests is to consider a veil. Veils are not only common with white wedding gowns but can be made to match any color of wedding dress you desire. 

A veil could still give you the same European-inspired wedding look while allowing you to venture into more colorful fabrics and textiles. 

What To Wear, Then? 

Deciding what to wear is completely up to you as the bride. We have a few suggestions for you if you’re considering downs in different colors. 

Something Off-The-Shoulder

Your non-white gown can feature any elements that your standard pearly gowns can. One feature brides love to consider are off-the-shoulder gowns, because when else other than your wedding day can you rock sleeves like those? 

If you’re looking for an off-the-shoulder gown, look no further than the Marsden gown. This gown features an overall lace applique and stunning draping sleeves, and a blush-pink color, letting you keep your gown light and airy while still bringing in a bit of a pop of color to your wedding day. 

Something Modest

Some may think that, because your wedding gown isn’t white, it must be more revealing and show more skin. 

Just because you’ve chosen a gown that varies in color doesn’t mean you can’t have a modest gown. Our Hayley gown gives you just that- a darker blush-pink tone than our Marsden with some lace applique and sheer train to give you the perfect twirl while you dance. 

This gown also features a rather high mesh neckline which covers the chest as well, perfect to pair with choker necklaces. 

Something Bold

While some brides may value modesty and traditional wedding-dress styles, you as a bride may dare for something different. This could even be wearing a black gown. 

Our Zander gown has a nude bodice covered in a lace applique and a full skirt of sheer lace and nude fabric. It has a plunging neckline and cinched sleeves, hardly like the wedding dress your mother wore. If you’re looking to make a true statement on your wedding day, the Zander gown may be the best for you. 

Still Stuck On A Gown? 

Wedding dress shopping can be a headache, even if you’re looking for something standard. For the bride looking for something outside of tradition and fake facts, look no further than Sposa Mia Bridal. We provide South Texas with elegant wedding gowns with our focus being on quality and sending you home with the perfect dress worthy of your big day. 

We may have the perfect dress for you- make an appointment today to speak with one of our consultants about your big day and let us help you walk down the aisle in style.


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Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. Separated they live in Bookmarksgrove right at the coast of the Semantics, a large language ocean. A small river named Duden flows by their place and supplies it with the necessary regelialia. It is a paradisematic country, in which roasted parts of sentences fly into your mouth. Even the all-powerful Pointing has no control about the blind texts it is an almost unorthographic life One day however a small line of blind text by the name of Lorem Ipsum decided to leave for the far World of Grammar. The Big Oxmox advised her not to do so, because there were thousands of bad Commas, wild Question Marks and devious Semikoli, but the Little Blind Text didn’t listen. She packed her seven versalia, put her initial into the belt and made herself on the way. 


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