What Is a Hybrid Wedding? Here’s What You Need to Know

November 25, 2021

COVID-19 threw a big curveball for anyone that was getting married in 2020. Getting married during a time of social distancing, travel restrictions, and limits on gatherings can be a bit challenging. Many are choosing just to elope, go to the courthouse, or postpone their big day. If you are a soon-to-be bride that doesn’t want to wait, then you may want to embrace a new option — hybrid weddings.

We know that getting married during a pandemic is not what you signed up for. But this is an opportunity for you to have big wedding plans while also including your loved ones who can’t be there in person. As a bride in 2021, a hybrid wedding is blossoming into a new wedding style. Hybrid weddings are an excellent way for you to still plan for your wedding to be extraordinary and include all your loved ones even if they can’t make the trip. 

At Sposa Mia Bridal, we understand how important your big day is to you. Just because you are thinking of having a hybrid wedding doesn’t mean you can’t get the dress of your dreams and the wedding to go with it. We have been helping women throughout this pandemic make their wedding dreams come true.

We will cover everything you need to know about hybrid weddings and how you can start incorporating your taste into this wedding style.

What Is a Hybrid Wedding?

A hybrid wedding is a means of having an in-person wedding while incorporating virtual elements for those who cannot attend in person. Couples may decide that they would like to elope or minimize the number of guests they have for health and safety or financial reasons. Eloping or minimizing your guest list leaves you with the opportunity to have a virtual experience for those who can’t be there or don’t make the cut for the small group, but that you would still like to share your day with.

A hybrid wedding might be an option for you if you can’t reschedule your wedding or you just can’t wait to be married. By having a hybrid wedding, couples can still utilize the venue they picked out for their big day. The best part about a hybrid wedding is that no one is left out! The couple, officiant, photographers and camera crew, and a small number of guests can enjoy the wedding in person while the rest can attend virtually by watching a livestream.

Hybrid Reception Etiquette

You may have never been to or (of course) planned a hybrid wedding or reception before. Virtual weddings aren’t something that many think about when it comes to planning their wedding. If you aren’t sure how to start planning a virtual wedding, look no further. Here are some excellent etiquette tips for your hybrid wedding reception.

Who Gets Invited to the Virtual Reception?

Since hybrid weddings are blossoming, even in 2021, one of the benefits of having a virtual wedding is that there are no complex rules dictated by tradition. Your wedding can be planned however you like, and you can invite whoever you want. This also helps keep the cost of the wedding low due to the low in-person guest count. Your in-person guest can consist of close friends and relatives, while the virtual invite goes to distant relatives and work friends — hurting no one’s feelings and also not hurting your budget.

Sending Out Formal Invites

Many feel very strongly that you should still send out mailed invitations. People will say that it gives virtual guests something tangible from your wedding. This is left to your discretion because the person who should be happiest on your wedding day is you and your spouse! You can even send out physical invitations that have a QR code printed on them that allows them access to the livestream to make the invite feel more tangible and exclusive.

Including a Dress Code?

If you don’t want your virtual guest feeling left out, having a dress code can help create a sense of togetherness for all guests. The more your virtual guest feels included with the in-person guests, the more appreciative each guest will feel. Obviously this is not a must, but it can be a fun way to bring everyone together in a special way.

Making the Virtual Guests Feel Like They’re Involved

If your budget allows, a nice gesture to your virtual guest could be to send a surprise package the week of the wedding. This could be simple or grand. Think maybe a wrapped box with a mini wedding cake or a bottle of champagne with a wedding program. If you want to be super creative, you could also organize a virtual toast.

Steps for Planning Your Hybrid Wedding

So you have the date planned, and your invites sent. Now what? You have never navigated a wedding, let alone a virtual one, before. What are your next steps, and how do you plan them? Don’t worry. We have got you covered.

Step # 1. Meet With Your Venue

If you already have a venue, it would be essential to meet with them and see exactly what accommodations they would offer for a virtual wedding. Many venues have adopted projection devices and 360 panoramic photos of your wedding to be more virtually friendly. If you haven’t booked your venue, this might be a very element to look into if you plan for your wedding to be at least partially virtual.

Step # 2. Find your Virtual Vendor & Emcee

It’s not a secret that many businesses worldwide have adapted to a virtual world. A lot of industry vendors have heightened their creativity and experimented with new technology. Many wedding planners, caterers, and technology companies have added virtual weddings to their repertoire. So be sure to seek out vendors with experience in virtual entertainment.

You will also want to figure out who you might want to emcee your wedding. Not all virtual guests are going to get the same angles and experiences as in-person guests. Having someone who tells people what’s going on will allow your virtual guests to feel just as included in the wedding as your in-person guests.

Step #3. Have a Tech Rehearsal

A run-through of your technology is maybe even more necessary than the traditional rehearsal dinner. You won’t want to worry about what’s going on with your tech on the day of the wedding, so doing a run-through will help with the smooth running virtual reception. Ensure your planner or videography team has contacted the virtual guests before the wedding to ensure they have all the proper links and equipment. Then have the planner schedule a quick tech and sound check to work out any issues before walking down the aisle.

Step #4. Capture Your Celebration!

You might not be able to take photos with every guest, especially the virtual ones. However, there will be times where you will want to capture their reactions. Make sure your videographer and photographer are up to speed on your expectations. That way, at the end of the night, no one is missing from your big celebration.

Let Us Help you Find your Dream Dress For Your Virtual Wedding!

At Sposa Mia Bridal, our hand-curated collection of Bridal Gowns will steal your heart. With a mixture of price points and styles, we provide a unique selection of gowns and accessories that is elegant, timeless, and romantic. Just because you are thinking about having a hybrid wedding doesn’t mean that you can’t have the dress you have always dreamed about.

Please give us a call at the boutique or take a moment to complete our appointment request form to schedule your visit. We will get back to you as quickly as possible to confirm the details!

Wedding Trends

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Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. Separated they live in Bookmarksgrove right at the coast of the Semantics, a large language ocean. A small river named Duden flows by their place and supplies it with the necessary regelialia. It is a paradisematic country, in which roasted parts of sentences fly into your mouth. Even the all-powerful Pointing has no control about the blind texts it is an almost unorthographic life One day however a small line of blind text by the name of Lorem Ipsum decided to leave for the far World of Grammar. The Big Oxmox advised her not to do so, because there were thousands of bad Commas, wild Question Marks and devious Semikoli, but the Little Blind Text didn’t listen. She packed her seven versalia, put her initial into the belt and made herself on the way.