Choosing the Perfect Veil for Your Wedding Dress

November 20, 2021

You’ve decided to wear a veil for your big day, now it’s time to choose which style is the best one for your look. Your wedding dress will help you along the way as you navigate the fabrics, hair styles and designs that all go in to help shape the veil you want to wear. The veil is a fun way to have tradition and creativity come into play together on your wedding day, but how is one to choose from all the types and styles?

From face framing to floor skimming, wedding veils can be anything you want them to be. Of course you want your veil to complement your dress, and that’s what this article will aim to help with. Let’s go over the most common variations and styles of veils as well as the intriguing history of why veils are worn in the first place. Choosing to add this traditional accessory to your wedding will give your look an extra element of mystique, so let’s unveil all there is to know about veils.

History of the Bridal Veil

Before we get into veil styles, let’s go over what the veil represented hundreds of years ago and what it is used for in modern day weddings as well. The veil is one of the oldest components of wedding traditions, and dates back to ancient Rome. 

Veils were meant to symbolize a respectable woman and shielded her from other men and evil spirits that may want to steal her happiness. Veiling has had a long history in Europe, Asia and African cultures and it wasn’t until 20 year old Queen Victoria wore a veil for her wedding did it become much more popular for all types of brides to wear them and that carries on until today. 

In modern society, the bridal veil is worn much more contemporarily for fashion and as a nod to the traditions of the past. Veils can be worn over the face as they once were or as an accessory draped behind them with a crown or headpiece of some sort holding it in place. 

Before You Shop

Before you begin shopping for your bridal veil, here are some tips to help you pick which veil style is best for your look:

Tip #1: Decide on Your Hairstyle

Veils with comb attachments work best when your hair is pinned or styled in place. Wearing hair partially or fully up will make it easier to attach a veil that has the comb attachment. Headband veils work great for hair that is left loose and flowing. Keep in mind many styles of veils work best with hair that stays in place and hair length will affect your veil choices as well, so if your hair is short, choose veils that are attached by barrettes instead of combs or headbands. 

Tip #2: Decide on the Veil Length

If your dress has an open back or intricate detail, you’ll want a shorter veil so it doesn’t obscure the details of your dress. A gown that is tea length will require a veil that hits above the hem as well. 

Tip #3: Do You Want Veil Edging?

When it comes to veil edging (how the end of your veil is cut) it can range from a cut edge to a lace edge, with much variation in between. A cut edge can suit any style of dress as the veil is cut then allowed to just flow and disappear into the design of the dress, with no additions to the edge. From there you can go with a wire, ribbon, pearl or lace trim edge. The embellishments are yours to decide and all depend on how you want the veil to complement the dress. 

Tip #4: Choose the Fabric of the Veil

Your dress fabric will help determine the fabric of the veil, if you choose to have edging to match. A vast majority of today’s dresses are light ivory and that ivory can be so pale it can be mistaken for white, and this is a big no-no in the bridal world. So make sure your dress is taken into consideration when your veil is being made or bought. Sheer fabrics are the most popular and edging, as we stated above, can add to the look of the dress. 

Styles of Bridal Veils

Here are a few of the most popular wedding veils styles you can pick from in today’s bridal market: 

The Single-Tier Veil

Simplistic and elegant. Veil flows from the attachment point which is usually a comb and runs down the bride’s back. Veil has no blusher (section that goes in front of face.)

The Mantilla Veil

Worn at the top of the head, a mantilla has a comb attached and is made of Spanish lace that falls onto the shoulders.

The Juliet Veil

A vintage inspired look, the Juliet is worn as a hat on top of the head with a trail of veil that flows down the back or both sides of the shoulders.

The Birdcage Veil 

Attached at the top of the head, this short veil covers the upper part of the bride’s face, its length can vary from eyes, nose or jawline. Made up of a complex net of mesh, the birdcage is ideal for bride’s who are wearing vintage, or vintage inspired, dresses. 

The Royal Veil

The royal veil is the longest veil you can get, as it trails four feet behind the bride and has been popularized in weddings featuring churches or ballrooms. 

Get the Perfect Accessories for Your Big Day

At Sposa Mia Bridal, we pride ourselves in providing you with award-winning service as you search for your perfect dress. We offer a selection of over 500+ wedding gowns along with accessories that range from elegant to ethereal to summer chic. Our site has some of the most sought-after designers in the industry and we are continuously growing and updating our selection as the seasons change.

Book your appointment with us today and come see what we have to offer you for your big day!

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Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. Separated they live in Bookmarksgrove right at the coast of the Semantics, a large language ocean. A small river named Duden flows by their place and supplies it with the necessary regelialia. It is a paradisematic country, in which roasted parts of sentences fly into your mouth. Even the all-powerful Pointing has no control about the blind texts it is an almost unorthographic life One day however a small line of blind text by the name of Lorem Ipsum decided to leave for the far World of Grammar. The Big Oxmox advised her not to do so, because there were thousands of bad Commas, wild Question Marks and devious Semikoli, but the Little Blind Text didn’t listen. She packed her seven versalia, put her initial into the belt and made herself on the way. 


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