Should I Wear a Short Wedding Dress?

April 9, 2022

Every bride has a vision of her ideal wedding dress, and most people imagine a long gown in a shade of white when they think of a wedding dress. Today brides can choose from dresses with different color hues, styles, and various accessories, including extravagant veils, fabulous shoes, embellished purses, etc.

Whether it is a grand ball gown and flowing cathedral veils or an elegant tea-length dress, our goal is for you to feel beautiful and happy with how you look on your wedding day. For the brides considering wearing a short wedding dress, here are the pros and cons to help you decide what to wear on your special day.

Pros Of A Short Wedding Dress

There is a perfect dress for every bride, and if you are considering a short wedding dress for your wedding day, here are the benefits.

  • Dancing And Movement Is So Much Easier

You have no train or hemline to trip over, and you can dance the night away as you move to the beat of your favorite songs. You will also be able to move about easily when walking down the aisle, eating, and taking pictures. A short wedding dress is the ticket to being stylishly comfortable on your wedding day, making it a practical choice.

  • You Get To Show Off Your Sexy Shoes

For some brides, the dress is not always the priority, and they create their wedding ensemble around an accessory like incredibly stunning shoes! Those amazing designer shoes you love will easily show off when you wear a shorter wedding dress, as will your sexy legs!

  • Shorter Wedding Dresses Are Cooler

A traditional wedding dress can feel uncomfortable and heavy on a hot day, especially if you have an outdoor wedding.

  • Perfect For Your Wedding Theme

If you are having an outdoor summer wedding or a beach wedding, a shorter wedding dress is perfect for sandy beaches or an open-air garden in the beautiful summer air.

  • Elegance And Simplicity

A short wedding dress captures the ladylike elegance and grace of Audrey Hepburn, simple and refined. You can also pair a wedding jacket or embellished shaw if you want to dress it up even more.

  • A Short Wedding Dress Is Stylish

One of the reasons short wedding dresses are a fabulous option is because there are many stylish cuts and styles. From dramatic hemlines, illusion necklines, plunging bodices or full-length sleeves, and the box-cut hem with a high neckline for a dramatic effect for the bold bride. Short wedding dresses like Oscar De La Renta with angular bodices and structured skirts can be edgy and full of attitude.

Cons Of A Shorter Wedding Dress

Every wedding dress style has pros and cons, and the short wedding dress is no exception. Here are some factors to consider when thinking about wearing a short wedding dress.

  • Smaller Bridal Selection

While some high-end bridal designers create shorter wedding dress styles, unlike full-length wedding dress options, there are not as many choices for brides interested in a shorter style.

  • Less Formal Feel

If you are a bride who wants a formal wedding, a short wedding dress may not be your best option, as even the most expensive dress will not look as formal as a full-length gown.

  • Guests Opinions

If you have family and friends who are very traditional, a short wedding dress may be viewed as a lesser choice, and if their opinion is important to you, that is something to consider.

Another option is to compromise and have a traditional wedding dress for the ceremony and then change from your formal dress into a shorter wedding dress for the reception.

A bride holds a vision in her heart and mind of how she wants to look and feel on her wedding day, and we are here to make your dream a reality.

See Our Hand Selected Wedding Dress Selection Today

Sposa Mia Couture is here to help you design your wedding dress or choose one from our collection of over 500 unique and elegant wedding gowns at our premier bridal boutique. We look forward to assisting you in finding your dream dress! Book an appointment today!

Wedding Dress

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